Deb Sofield


For Your Life

Through many years of speaking on the national circuit, I have found that for most of us it’s not what we say but what our audience, friends, and family hear. Because of that simple fact you need to re-craft your message to break through the noise…

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Deb Sofield

Keep Your Eyes on the Stars and Your Feet on the Ground

Recently I came across two different accounts of people who have come to realize that their hero wasn’t what or who they thought they were. So, with truth in hand, these wise (albeit hurt) folks walked away. Not bitter, not really angry; mostly hurt and embarrassed that they fell so fast for the ideals that were portrayed to them as truth, but in the end, they realized that empty promises are just that–empty–so it didn’t matter what was offered since it was nothing but words without meaning. Those stories stirred me. I realized that although I admire many people, in

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Deb Sofield

No Act of Kindness Is Ever Wasted

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted!  Aesop Well, I am back to my favorite theme again—kindness. And I am pretty sure you’ll agree with me, that the world at this very moment could use a little bit more kindness. Why? Because, friends, kindness matters—today, tomorrow and the next day. We just had Mothers Day, and I hope you took the time to show kindness toward mom, whatever your relationship. Today I want to talk about not only the value of kindness towards others, but also for you, as well. I love the quote that No act of

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Deb Sofield

What’s in The Well, Comes Up in The Bucket

Recently, I was listening to the commencement address by Tyler Perry at Tuskegee University and, in his remarks, he made this statement: “What’s in the well, comes up in the bucket.” ( It is the first time I had heard this phrase and it just stuck with me, because it seems to be the perfect southern phrase of how life really is no matter what it seems like on the outside. I get that everyone wants to appear successful to friends and family (and enemies), and good for those who have made it because, no doubt, it took work to

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Deb Sofield

Go Where You’re Celebrated, Not Tolerated

A while back I stepped down from a leadership position that I really enjoyed. I like to be called Boss Lady, but the reality is I do too much, so in order to take control of my world, I had to make some changes to protect the time I have to do the things that I am interested in doing and, in some cases, am required to do. It’s never easy stepping away from a project you birthed or created or really loved. But the fact is that in order to leave a legacy of success, there comes a time

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Deb Sofield

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life, don’t ever waste it. As I prepare for my weekly radio show many times I speak with the larger listening audience in mind. I fully understand it is Saturday and you’re busy with chores or errands or house cleaning or finishing up lunch with the family, but today I want to talk about you and speak to you directly. As I work with presidents of corporations, sales team leaders, author who are out selling their books or wise folks who are working to better their speaking ability, I have been

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Deb Sofield

The Most Dangerous Risk of All

The most dangerous risk of all–The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. Today, I want to simply remind you that time is running out for you, my friend, and no matter how much you wish it would all slow down, so you can get your bearings and hang on the truth, time marches onward, whether you like it or not. The world is spinning, and if you’re like most people I talk with, you’re just hanging on for dear life…hoping to not get

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