Deb Sofield


For Your Life

Through many years of speaking on the national circuit, I have found that for most of us it’s not what we say but what our audience, friends, and family hear. Because of that simple fact you need to re-craft your message to break through the noise…

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Deb Sofield

Push Yourself Because No One Is Going to Do It for You

Push Yourself Because No One Is Going to Do It for You When I was thinking about what to share this week, I tussled with a few ideas that I wanted to use to encourage you knowing that there are a lot of things going on in your life right now. So, understanding that you are busy, let me be your personal motivator to remind you to continue to push yourself because no one is going to do it for you. Whether it is getting the family ready for school, or re-organizing your life for the new year or simply

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Deb Sofield

The Power of One

Someone recently asked me – why do you always talk about living your best life ever– why not talk about living with the hand that you’ve been dealt…and I answered… well you’ve been doing that for years now – how’s it working out for you…to which they grumbled and walked away. It is a conscience effort on my part to push you – my listening audience to see beyond your current situation… I’ve been described as a motivational teacher and not just a motivational speaker because every week I work to have actionable items that you can use today to

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Deb Sofield

If You’re Tired of Starting Over – Quit Giving Up

If You’re Tired of Starting Over — Quit Giving Up I love the quote, If you’re tired of starting over—quit giving up. I am not sure who said it, but, wow, if there was ever a billboard that we should put up around the world, it’s this one. If you’re tired of starting over—quit giving up. I hear people say all the time that they are tired of always having to start over, and so many times I want to ask the obvious question of why did you stop? Really, why did you stop your diet? Why did you stop

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Deb Sofield

Try Approving of Yourself

So the other night I half-heartedly watched a thread of a conversation unfold on Facebook, and it reminded me of an odd habit that I am seeing in so many people these days, which is being unusually mean and harsh about themselves in a public setting for the sheer purpose to draw attention to themselves and have others heap undue praise on them to help settle them down. They post sad comments and then eagerly wait for their “friends” to reply to the post, proving that they have value and that the sad sack isn’t that bad, that mean, that

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Deb Sofield

Two Things to Remember in Life

As I was preparing for this week’s show, I came across a quote that I had written down a while back, and it goes like this, “Two things to remember in life. Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are with people.” And this is my theme for today. As a coach, I find that many good people struggle with the thoughts they have about themselves, their abilities, their intelligence, their body image and their self worth. And, although I usually don’t dive too deep with them on these issues,

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Deb Sofield

Let Go or Be Dragged

I’d like to take my thought from last week, about givers and takers, and go one step further and encourage you to start on a more level emotional life path, and here’s my thought for this week–some of you need to let go or you’ll be dragged. Seems simple enough to let go, but–oh my–how many times have you given someone just one more chance? In reality, their 54th chance, but not like you’re counting or anything. And you–by constantly caving in to their emotional outburst or hurtful words or accusations–you let yourself be dragged through the emotional pain that

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